East Windsor Ambulance Association

The East Windsor Ambulance Association Inc. is a non-profit paramedic-level ambulance service serving the Town of East Windsor Connecticut. The East Windsor Ambulance Association Inc. is a non-profit 501c-3 nonstock corporation and not a business entity. We are not a town agency and our employees are not town employees. 

The East Windsor Ambulance Association, organized in 1978, as an all-volunteer ambulance service that served the community for at no charge to customers for many years when prehospital care ambulance options were limited or non-existent.  Over 40 years later, we are one of the few emergency medical service systems that provide both basic life support and paramedic-level ambulance service without a financial cash contribution from our town government.

Our funding is derived from two sources. Patient billing is our primary source of revenue which is strictly regulated by the Federal Government and the State of Connecticut. Our second source is our fund drives. Mailings are done to our residents and the business community to supplement our revenues. These contributions are used to purchase medical equipment that helps save lives.

Your tax-deductible contributions can be made either by mail to P.O. Box 188 East Windsor CT 06088 or hit the “Make a donation” button on this home page. 

Chief Paramedic Chuck Roode